Oh C-A-T-S, Cats, Cats.... Beer! | Billy + Alex
Billy + Alex are cat loving, Netflix binging, pizza eating, UK Wildcat loving beer connoisseurs. They are effortlessly fun with each other and it was a blast to bounce around Lexington with them for an evening to document their love for each other at the University of Kentucky and their favorite watering hole, West Sixth Brewery. I hope their personalities shine through the photos and that you enjoy some of my favorites from our session together! <3
Engaged | Andrew + Gabby
Gabrielle + Andrew met while she was finishing her masters at the University of Kentucky and within a few years they got engaged in London, England, bought a home together, are raising their spunky Scottish Terrier named Snow and are planning their wedding for next year! <3 Join us for their engagement session at Buffalo Trace Distillery and the University of Kentucky!