Darling Let's be Us | Steven + Monika

Meet Steven + Monika

These two are adventurers and true partners in life. Both Kentucky natives and nurses, their love grew hiking trails in Red River Gorge on many dates. They quickly decided to trade in regular nursing jobs for full-time RV living and travel nursing positions across the western side of the US. They continued to grow in love while sitting beside lakes and overlooking mountain vistas throughout the country. While on a bucket list trip to Havasupai Falls in Arizona, Steven cheered Monika through her fears on a difficult, sketchy and wet cliff side trail. A metaphor to their three year relationship, at the bottom of that treacherous hike in the mist of a beautiful waterfall was a surprise- he proposed! She obviously said β€œhell yes!”. They currently call Reno, Nevada home with their precious pups.

Steven and Monika squeezed in an afternoon to spend with me when they recently visited Kentucky. We went hiking in Red River Gorge, to Gray’s Arch, where they spent one of their first dates together. We celebrated with Ale-8-one, beers and pizza at Miguel’s afterwards- as any solid RRG day is! It was truly such a blast to spend a day with them and I hope a was able to capture their love for each other and their sense of adventure. Enjoy! <3


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